Rockabuy Baby Scene 51

Nothing mattered but to be as close to her as possible and to have her touch and caress the skin of his hyper-sensitive infant body. Joey didn’t even mind losing his balls that much; the over-large egg-shaped objects had merely led him astray from the woman he now knew he loved with all his heart and soul. Now that his testicles were only the size of small peas enclosed in a shriveled little bag of flesh that held them tightly against his body, they had no effect on his behavior.


What had once been a man’s scrotum was only a memory. His once proud penis was only a baby’s pee-pee; it was barely three-quarters of an inch long and less than half an inch in diameter. He was indifferent to the loss of his manhood, sex was unimportant to him in his current state. Nonetheless, he still got pleasure from his little wee-wee several times a day as it directed the warm, comfortable wetness down into his crotch and around his diapered bottom to creep up the rear of his diaper.